Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Episode 127 - Apologies in Advance

On the Needles
Sarah's Storming the Castle
Strange Moon

On the Wheel
I spun a little bit of Millie on my Lendrum!

FOs of the Week!
Pretty Thing

Various & Sundry
-Spinning next...merino/cashmere from Tempted Yarns
-Stash Acquisition for the last little bit...Fibernymph Dyeworks, Fiber Optic, Loop
-SSK stuff...check your email folders!

Come join the group on Ravelry, leave a comment or star rating on iTunes, find the shownotes on the blog, or get updates on Plurk!


  1. Feel Better Soon!! :)xxx

  2. SLEEP!!! When that voice stuff happens to me, it's usually a prelude to something worse for me!!

    And thank you, oh so much, I have now started watching Dr. Who for the first time... Wasn't sure where was the best place to start, so I started on the seasons from 2005.

    As if I needed to be any geekery ;)

  3. Hope your voice gets better & your cough goes away SOON!!!! :)

    God Bless,

  4. Thanks for the show. I glad to hear that you have the weekend off so that you can relax and not have to talk. You poor thing.

    Firefly is such a treat. I couldn't stop watching it and the movie. Love the Jane hat, can't wait to see your friend wearing it.

    Take care of yourself. Call in sick for the rest of the week! Tell them your video mother said so!

  5. I hope your voice comes back soon. I think you should keep the rest of the cashmere for yourself. It was a splurge that you should enjoy all for you.

  6. Thanx for podcasting this week under such rotten conditions. I know you're not 'sick', but you didn't sound 'well' either.
    Mothering, mothering mothering.
    Enjoyed the update and your new goodies.
    'til next time

  7. Take care of yourself dear... Take a few days of rest. That will be much better than being brave and podcasting. Your eyes look so tired... Take care, take care, take care...
