Thursday, January 19, 2012

Episode 125 - Things Are Going Well

On the Needles
Pretty Thing
Sarah's Storming the Castle
Mawata Mittens

Various & Sundry
Year of the Sweater!
-Let me know your sweater plans for 2012!
-I've decided to start with Moonstruck using BMFA Gaea in Strange Brew

Thanks to everyone who was happy to hear about my boyfriend! I'm going to keep updates to a minimum, but will let you all know about any major developments.

Come join the group on Ravelry, leave a comment or star rating on iTunes, find the shownotes on the blog, or get updates on Plurk!

1 comment:

  1. Finally someone who knits the same way I do! I've never met a thrower who lets go with their right hand. Granted, I haven't met many knitters in person...
